Thank You For A Stellar 2015/2016 Season!

April 24, 2016

Thank You For A Stellar 2015/2016 Season!

Ahh, what a season it has been...

I will admit I've made the "best day ever" statement a few times this year. Each day would come and trump the one before. With our zone averaging a relatively stable snowpack, the backcountry scene was going off. We got to big zones and big lines all season long - and in excellent condition (for the most part). The overall vibe around town seemed to hold at a high level of stoke. 

Here at Aspen Expeditions, we were reaping the benefits of Mother Nature's blessing. We had a very busy ski guiding season, with lots of new clients and our wonderful returns.

Some memorable hut trips went down. Two of my favorites included our rockstar all-women's hut trip that landed right smack in the middle of a two-foot powder storm, and a Crested Butte to Aspen hut traverse that landed several peak summits along the way, (just to highlight a few...)

Greg Shaffran (AE ski guide), & team relaxing on the porch of the Friends Hut.

This year's ice climbing season was also a strong one, with some great melt-freeze cycles bringing some of our local classics into fat condition. 

On the international front, we had a successful Haute Route with an incredible group of folks - some Aspen locals and some folks from a far. They traveled through everything from total white-out conditions, to bluebird glacial skiing. They explored Chamonix and drank beers & wine along the way, experiencing the exclusive European ski culture. 

We are soon heading down to Bolivia with some clients to climb Mururata. Mururata is a mountain in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia. It offers accessible climbing with moderate routes. Good luck to the team!

Congratulations to several of our guides, who completed/passed AMGA courses/exams, adding quite a bit of credentials to their resumes. Congratulations to Britt Ruguer on his AMGA ski guide exam, and Sammy Podhurst and Nate Emerson on their AMGA ski guide course!

Oh, and how could I forget - we won the 2015 Business of the Year!!! What an achievement and proud moment for our wonderful owners Dick Jackson and his wife, Paulina VanderNoorda, as well as the entire AE family. 

All-in-all, it was a top-notch season and I think we can all say we got our fill of exceptional ski days. While we are still spring skiing and mountaineering, I can say it is just about that time for me to turn my attention to the rock - send mode!

Thank you all for a great season - we wouldn't be here without you all and without the support from our great community.  

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